

*This list will be updated as the semester goes on.

Week 1: Intro, Theory, and Analysis
1. Review: The 3 literacies laid out in ‘Multiliteracies for a Digital Age’
2: Read: Critical Media Studies Introduction (pages 1-19)
3. Digital Literacies Civic Problem
4) Read: Course Syllabus

Week 2: The Economy of Information 

1: Read: The Death of Capital Intro by Mackenzie Wark. 
2: Watch: Digital Disconnect Documentary on Kanopy (free with WSU account) 

Week 3: Social Media, Social Media, Social Media
1. Read: Histories Of Social Media - Larissa Hjorth 
2. Read/Listen: As Facebook Shows Its Flaws, What Might A Better Social Network Look Like?
3. Read: 
The Inescapable Town Square

Week 3 Bonus Readings (Not Required): 
Beware Online Filter Bubbles
A Most Violent Platform

Crisis Mode: Platforms Thrive on Making you feel bad

Week 4: Algorithms
1. Watch: Do Algorithms Perpetuate Human Bias?
2.Watch Intro video to Algorithms of oppression
3. Read: Algorithms of oppression Introduction

4. Browse: Algorithmic Justic League
5. What is facial recognition - and how sinister is it?

6: Optional: Rise of the racist robots – how AI is learning all our worst impulses

Bonus Reading: The Social Dilemma
You will get 3 points added to your previous assignments if you turn in a one page summary/reflection on this documentary. 

Week 5: Big Data & Augmented Reality 
1. Read: Finding the Blank Spots in Big Data
2. Read: Augmented Reality - An Interactive overlay on the World 
3: Not required for reflections but will be noted and useful in class discussion: AR and VR will make spatial journalism the future of reportingThe New York Times to Publish AR-First Journalism on Instagram

Week 6: Gaming
1. Read a chapter of your choosing from Woke Gaming by Kishonna L Gray. Ebook available through the WSU Library. 

Week 7: Project 1 Due (no readings) 

Week 8: Emojis, Memes, and Digital Language
1. Read: Emoji: The World’s First Global Language
2. Read: Emoji’s dont mean what they used to
3. Read: Community & Self-Definition in the Age of Memes 
Bonus Readings (not required, but interesting!, and worth extra credit if you turn in a reflection on them):
1. If Emojis can be flirty they can also be racist
2. Technically White, emoji skin tone modifiers as american technoculture.

Week 9: Difference & Desire: Identity in the Digital Realm
1. Read: The Rise of Meta Me
2. Digital Blackface in Reaction GIFs
3. Everyone Can Learn From How Marginalized Communities Use Social Media
Bonus Readings (not required, but interesting!, and extra credit if you email me a reflection):

1. Black Lives Matter Instagram Carousels Are Changing the Shape and Longevity of Protest Graphics. 

Week 10: Privacy, Surveillance, and the Internet of Things
1. Read: The WIRED Guide to the Internet of Things
2. Read: Privacy & the Internet of Things
3. Listen: who is the ‘internet of things’ good for?

Week 11: Theory ---> Praxis
1. Read: How to Fix our Dark Dark Internet - Jaron Lanier
2. Read: Digital Decolonization
3. Explore: http://forachange.org/https://ncri.io/

Week 12 (no reflection or discussion due, but useful for your final)
Browse: Transborder Immigrant Tool
Browse: https://www.digital-democracy.org/
Browse: https://not911.nyc/]
Browse: https://woebothealth.com/
Browse: https://www.bemyeyes.com/
Browse: https://www.somewheregood.com/
Read: How the Hmong diaspora uses the world’s most boring technology to make something weird and wonderful

Additional Extra Credit Readings:
1. Read: Feed Time by Paul Soulellis
2. Listen: New Ways Of Seeing BBC Podcast (choose an episode)
3. Listen: Raddit Hole Podcast Series by the New York Times
4. Read: Lesson of the Day: ‘How to Deal With a Crisis of Misinformation’ (analysis this lesson and the accomplaning article and compare it to one of our first readings: ‘Media Literacy's Civic Problem‘
5. Read: “Americans Need a Digital Bill of Rights”