sister june t sanders is an artist/educator/writer/curator
living and working in Palouse, WA.
recent work
Instagram: @junetsanders
Email: june.t.sanders@wsu.edu
Mail: Box 222, Palouse, WA
Are.na: www.are.na/june-sanders
FHOO: https://fromhereonout.net/
PSS: https://saunasisterhood.cargo.site
Whitman St: https://whitmanstreet.cargo.site/
Little Church: https://littlechurch.cargo.site/
PGB: https://gaybaseball.org
Northwest Public Broadcasting
Almanac Press, Journal of Trans Desire vol 2
Umpqua Valley Arts
Are.na Annual
Arcanite Pictures
High Country News Feature
High Country News Interview
Gallery One
Punch Projects
UConn Contemporary Art Galleries
Gonzaga University
Lawrence University
Longwood Center for the Arts
The Spokanesman Review
Strange Fire Collective
Humble Arts Foundation
The Spokesman Review (w/ Krista Brand)
Ginger Magazine
Leste Magazine
Oregon Center for the Photographic Arts
Urgency Reader (Queer Archives)
Vice Magazine